Mini has introduced the Mini Cooper SE electric in India, with a starting price of Rs 47.20 lakh (ex-showroom, India). The hatchback is available as a CBU unit in a single, fully-loaded variant. Only 30 units were allotted to India in the first batch, with Mini claiming that all units have been spoken for. Deliveries for the first batch will begin in March, and bookings for the second batch will begin around the same time.
- The 2022 Mini Cooper SE electrified comes in only one fully-loaded version.
- Model deliveries will begin next month.
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The exterior of the Mini Cooper SE
It’s worth noting that the facelifted Cooper SE will be available in India. All traditional Cooper design elements, such as the round LED headlamps, Union Jack-themed LED taillamps, and that familiar silhouette has been retained.
The power is only applied to the front wheels, which actually results in a 0-100kph time of 7.3 seconds and a top speed of 150kph. The Cooper SE even has 4 basic modes: Mid, Sport, Green, and Green+. Speaking of which, the Cooper SE’s distinctive 17-inch wheel design is designed to resemble a British plug socket. Also, it sits 15mm higher than that of the combustion-engined model to adjust the battery pack. In India, the Cooper SE is available in four different colours: White Silver, Midnight Black, Moonwalk Grey, and British Racing Green.
Interior and features of the Mini Cooper SE
The overall dashboard design of the SE is similar to that of the standard Cooper hatchback, but a key highlight is the new 5.5-inch digital instrument cluster, which is available for the first time on a Mini. The only other difference is a new toggle switch for the multi-level brake regeneration system on the centre console, and the bright yellow accents have been carried over to the interior as well. Mini claims that the new powertrain has had little effect on the interior or boot space.
The Cooper SE includes an 8.8-inch touchscreen infotainment system with Apple CarPlay compatibility, sports seats, a Harman Kardon audio system, a panoramic glass roof, a Nappa leather steering wheel, and TPMS.
Powertrain, battery, and charging for the Mini Cooper SE
The Cooper SE is powered by an electric motor that produces 184 horsepower and 270 Nm of torque and is fed by a 32.6kWh battery positioned in a T-shape beneath the passenger seat. The power is only sent to the front wheels, resulting in a 0-100kph time of 7.3 seconds and a top speed of 150kph. The Cooper SE also has four drive modes: Mid, Sport, Green, and Green+.
The Cooper SE, according to Mini, has been tuned to create a compromise between an acceptable city driving range and desirable levels of performance, resulting in a WLTP-certified range of up to 270 kilometres. A 50kW charge point can charge the Cooper SE from 0 to 80 per cent in 36 minutes, while an 11kW wall box (included as standard) can charge it from 0 to 80 per cent in 150 minutes – 210 minutes for a full charge.
On the Cooper SE, Mini offers a basic two-year warranty with unlimited mileage.
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Check out the competition for the Mini Cooper SE.
In terms of body style or segment, there is currently no direct competitor to the Mini Cooper SE in India. The Mini Cooper SE is priced in the middle of all other electric vehicles currently on the market in India, at Rs 47.20 lakh. The Mini EV costs Rs 52.30 lakh less than the Mercedes-Benz EQC, India’s most affordable luxury electric vehicle, which costs Rs 99.50 lakh. However, the Cooper SE is Rs 22.02 lakh more expensive than the MG ZS EV on the opposite end of the range. The Jaguar I-Pace, Audi e-Tron, BMW iX, Audi e-Tron GT, and Porsche Taycan are among the luxury electric vehicles available in India “as read and reported by”.